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There is nothing more important than the safety and security of your child. Each day that you bring your child to Creative Space Learning Centers, you are entrusting us with your child. We take that responsibility seriously. Our Circle of Care philosophy inspired us to create a circle of security that is unparalleled in the child care industry. 


  • Restricted Access Door System: Exterior doors to the Academy will remain locked from the outside at all times.  Access to the building is permitted through the front door via an access code.  Only limited, designated individuals and family members receive a access key fob into our school.  All visitors will have to ring a bell and our allowed in only by one of our front office staff and escorted throughout the building.




  •  Biometric ID Pad: It's the most advanced system in the child care industry. You'll find coded entry and biometric systems in our center. Every parent or caregiver that is authorized to pick up a child has their fingerprint stored in the system. All unfamiliar visitors must show a picture ID. Our security standards are rigorous and strictly enforced.The fingerprinting system allows the center to be safe and secure. Our office staff checks ID’s for all visitors that enter the facility.  ID’s are also checked for all assigned alternates picking up students.  We require written and/or documented verbal permission from the parent/guardian for all alternates not previously noted on an approved pick-up list.  We do this to ensure the safety of all students in our care.



  • Camera System: We have cameras in every classroom. Each classroom has 24 hour  video recording. Our center has the camera system viewable for parents in the entryway/foyer. Our Center director and owner's observe the activity in each classroom by video so they can mentor and support the teachers while also ensuring policies and procedures are being properly implemented.



  • Trained Staff: Thorough background checks are completed on all staff including an FBI fingerprint check.  In addition, all staff are required to be current on CPR and First Aid training.  We have worked to get the best qualified staff working with our students to ensure their safety and quality education.



  • A SAFE AND SECURE OUTDOOR ENVIRONMENT: Our outdoor play areas are designed with safety in mind. They're developmentally appropriate and children play on clean, padded safety surfaces. Our playgrounds are also shaded, fenced and secure with no outside entry.




  • Transportation: All our buses are equipped with seat belts and a cellular phone is provided to the driver for emergency use.  Our professional drivers are trained in bus safety procedures.  A roll call is checked before and after riding the bus as well as a mandatory walk through of the bus by both the driver and management to ensure no children are left behind.  A folder including emergency medical information for each student will accompany students riding on the bus.  The driver also completes a thorough maintenance check of the bus before and after each usage.



Our Health Practices


  • Cleanliness: Teachers are required to complete a daily checklist to ensure the cleanliness of the classroom at all times.  All classrooms are also equipped with bathrooms and sinks to allow proper hand washing procedures to be taught and modeled by our teachers.  Each child is provided his/her own mat for nap-time that is sanitized regularly.  Clean disposable gloves are required for changing diapers and assistance with potty training.


  • Sanitation: All toys and surfaces are sanitized daily in our classrooms.  The sanitizing cleaner used kills germs and bacteria without leaving a toxic residue.  A laundry room with a lock is available to clean linens and to safely store all cleaning supplies.


  • Illnesses: Students are not allowed to attend school with any contagious illness, rash, etc without exclusive written permission from a doctor indicating they are on treatment and that it is safe to attend school.  To prevent the spread of illness, students with a fever of 100.3 or higher are sent home and are allowed to return to school 24 hours after the fever subsides.  


  • Attire: Students are required to wear shoes with a back or secure fitting strap to prevent slips and falls while playing outdoors.



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